Right now is a risky and tricky momoent for people in London and also in UK, which lots are stressed to the max right now. And they wants to get some relax , usually massage would be a good choice, but right now, with Covid-19 still out there, Is It Safe To Get A Massage?
As you probably already know, so many things in life right now come with the risk of contracting COVID-19, and the ultimate decision on whether you’re OK with that risk comes down to you. “A lot depends on each person’s risk tolerance and how much risk they want to accept,”

Reminiscing about what we miss from the pre-pandemic days is basically a national pastime at this point. Here’s my newest contribution: massages. Maybe I’m experiencing skin hunger; maybe I’m ready to be rid of six months of COVID-related tension that’s accumulated almost entirely in my shoulders; maybe I just want to be somewhere other than my living room for a while. Regardless, I’d love a massage. But is it safe? I asked Nate Favini, MD, medical lead of Forward, the preventive primary care practice — even though I suspected I already knew what he’d say.
For the record, I was right. “Massages are non-essential, so I don’t recommend getting one during this time,” Dr. Favini says, dashing my dreams right off the bat. He would happily stop there — when I ask what people should know if they do book an appointment, he answers only on the condition that I emphasize that his “strong recommendation is to avoid getting a massage.”
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has specific recommendations on how to be as safe as possible while doing a slew of different everyday activities. But unfortunately for you and your aching shoulders, there’s nothing in there about getting a massage. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s not safe—it’s just not covered by the CDC. So, is it safe to get those knots massaged out? Here’s what the experts have to say about it.
What’s the risk of getting a massage?
In a massage setting, the biggest risk you’re taking is being in close contact with another person. That’s because COVID-19 is mainly thought to spread between people who are within six feet of each other through respiratory droplets created when an infected person coughs, sneezes, or talks, the CDC says. Those droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people nearby, or possibly be inhaled into their lungs. There is some evidence that SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may be airborne in certain situations, the World Health Organization (WHO) says.
Past that, there may also be some risk in coming into contact with frequently-touched surfaces (like a massage table), since COVID-19 may also be spread by touching a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touching your mouth, nose, or eyes. (The CDC, however, says this is not thought to be the main way the virus is transmitted).
What are London massage companies doing to keep you safe?
The National Association of Massage and Manipulative Therapy (NAMMT) has a detailed guideline on what massage studios and companies can do to keep you safe. In addition to following sanitation recommendations from the CDC and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), the NAMMT recommends that masseuses do the following:
• Prepare a detailed risk assessment include a COSHH assessment
• Prior to re-opening clinics areas, a deep clean of the working environment will be
required. Source appropriate cleaning materials as soon as you can.
• Prepare signage for the working environment to highlight the new working procedures to clients. Some infographics are included at the end of this document. We will be preparing other examples for your use shortly,
• Consider sourcing or purchasing items that you feel may be required for re-opening i.e.
cleaning products, PPE, contactless thermometer, plastic storage containers for clothing,
alternative payment options – see later comments for suggestions
• Begin to raise awareness of the new therapy regime prior to clients’ appointments (or
even notify your full client base) in order to ensure compliance and to instil confidence in
the client that they are in safe hands. This could be in the form of an email, social media,
web site, client information leaflets etc.
• Therapists should produce a disclaimer stating that they themselves are currently free from symptoms, have not been in contact with someone currently suffering Covid-19 or who is self-isolating. Once again, we are preparing a template you will be able to download
• We suggest therapists use the NHS Contact Tracer app when available. Encourage clients to use them too
With all of those precautions in place, is it safe to get a massage right now?
Unfortunately, “safe” isn’t a word that applies to doing most things in public or around people outside of your household these days. But, he says, it really “depends on the logistics.” If a massage company follows the guidelines put in place by public health organizations, then it may be “relatively safe,” In reality, you can minimize risk so it’s relatively safe, but you can never drive risk down to zero. Everyone has to be wearing masks—good masks—and wearing them properly. That’s an absolute mandatory aspect of this or any sort of indoor activity.
Some organizations can also have people come to your house to give you a massage, but Dr. Adalja says that’s really just trading one risk for another. “Corporate massage chains have put in place a lot of different measures that are not going to be present if you’re getting a home massage,” he says. “But having a massage at home means you won’t have to be in a waiting room, around other people.” Still, having a masseuse come to your house takes some risk out of it for you, but adds extra risk for them.
Something that wasn’t mentioned by the NAMMT is that getting a massage outside is considered safer than having one indoors. We know that outdoor settings are less likely to lead to the spread of the virus. Anything that can mimic outdoor settings, like opening a window, is ideal. Increasing ventilation could decrease the risk of transmission.
But even with those precautions in place, Dr. Watkins isn’t exactly into the idea of getting a massage right now. “I don’t recommend getting a massage,” he says. “With cases of COVID-19 rising in many parts of the country, people really need to focus on just doing essential activities, and a massage is not essential. You are indoors, in close proximity for a prolonged period of time with someone you barely know. These things amplify risk for getting COVID-19.”
Ultimately, this is one of those things that boils down to how comfortable you feel taking a risk. When you’re trying to make that decision, it is recommended to factoring in things like case counts in your area and how well the virus seems to be contained.
You should also take your personal situation into account. “If this is a purely pampering luxury time that you could do without and you’re a vulnerable individual or you interact with vulnerable individuals, it’s best to skip it,” Dr. Russo says. “But if massage is really important for your pain-related issues, and you don’t live in a multi-generational household or with vulnerable individuals then it might be worth considering. You have to weigh the risks and benefits.”
And, if you know you’re likely to be stressing out about your risk of contracting the virus the whole time you get a massage, it’s probably not worth it. It really depends on risk tolerance and how badly you want the massage.
The information in this story is accurate as of press time. However, as the situation surrounding COVID-19 continues to evolve, it’s possible that some data have changed since publication. While London Massage Book is trying to keep our stories as up-to-date as possible, we also encourage readers to stay informed on news and recommendations for their own communities by using the CDC, WHO, and their local public health department as resources.