Recipe for love – aphrodisiac oil massage

I recently came across a blog discussing the use of aromatherapy in sensual massage, highlighting the blending of essential oils to create a massage oil tailored to specific needs – whether it’s relieving a headache or setting a romantic mood. I believe it’s a fantastic concept and I’m excited to share my special recipe for Love Potion – an aphrodisiac oil.

my special love potion
my special love potion

My special ingredients for Recipe for love:

Pour 50 ml of carrier oil into a clean container.

Add the following essential oils by exact the same order:

  1. 7 drops rosewood
  2. 5 drops geranium
  3. 3 drops jasmine
  4. 2 drops neroli
  5. 2 drops geranium

Gently shake to blend and, if you’d like to use it hot, simply heat the container in hot water.

Giving a sensual oil massage is one of the most erotic forms of foreplay. Start with your partner lying on their front and rest your hands on their shoulder blades. Sweep your hands out and around over the shoulders, with flowing, confident strokes.

Knead along the top of the shoulders and either side of the neck – work deeply into the muscles.

Stroke your thumbs down each side of the spine several times, using your thumbs in small circular movements to work out any tension.

Move round and let your partner rest their head on your thighs as you slowly massage from the nape of the neck to the buttocks, using free-flowing strokes. Work your way back up the sides of the torso and repeat several times.

Use light, feathery strokes, along the spine, from the base to the top. Repeat, making the strokes lighter and lighter, so they can no longer be felt.

Move round to the buttocks and use the heel of the hand to knead the cheeks. Use two fingers on each hand to massage small circles at the top of the left leg, just below the buttock. Take your time to work over the area, using varying pressure and slowly move down towards the knee. Repeat on the right leg.

Now take hold of your partner’s lower leg and support it across your lap while you circle your thumbs over the whole calf muscle. Repeat on the other side and move on to the feet, using your thumbs to massage the instep and ball of the foot.

Come back to the thighs; slowly stroke up and down the insides, before moving back round to the front and taking hold of your partner’s arm. Caress and stoke the inside of the wrist, using small circular movements over the pressure points. Use feather strokes up the soft, sensitive, inner arm, getting lighter and lighter.

Stoke and caress the shoulders and neck, run your fingers through your partner’s hair and trace around their ears with your fingers. Finish by gently pinching around the outside edge of the ear and the lobe.

What you get up to next is up to you….

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