Male G-spot Massage

G-spot Prostate massage for men

It is said that not only women have G-spot and could get amazing orgasm from stimulating the magic spot, men also have G-spot, Men’s G-spot is a special place actually located inside of the male prostate. If the prostate is stimulate & massaged in the right way, men could get incredible long lasting orgasm by prostate massage

If we search on internet, we are going to find many theories about the male G-spot and many medical opinions denying the existence of such a thing in our bodies.

Because I am not a doctor, I am not going to position myself a favor or against any of those theories, not my job. As a therapist and taking on account my own experience as well as many years of full body work professional experience with male clients. I state categorically that, for the majority of men at any age, the prostate or were the prostate is located is a very sensitive spot for sexual stimulation.

Having said this, the prostate it is not a switch on bottom that you press and voila! you discover the Nirvana in just one prostate massage for men session, angels sing melodic songs at your ear and from now on orgasm has a new meaning for you; no that simple.

Many factors are going to contribute for you to have or not a great experience.

Yes!, many man have amazing orgasm by the prostate stimulation but it takes confidence, trust, an open minded, a complete relaxation and a total inactivity from him during a session, on the other hand, the erotic massage therapist needs to know very well what he is doing and how to do it, when is the right moment, the right pressure to use and how to conduct the whole session from start till end in order for the client to enjoy it; if the sensual therapist partitioner does not know what he is doing, it could be painful and even damage the area as it is a very delicate spot to be manipulate, easy to irritate, brush and even get infected.

erotic prostate massage

Now, one last point to be mentioned, I started saying that all male clients enjoy a professional prostate massage for men service, independent of their sexual preference, age or belief. Prostate and a good healthy recto, could make a difference; as you can image, haemorrhoids are not helpful. Another impediment to enjoy sexual stimulation of the prostate is prejudice.

Many man thinks that a male is not gay till the moment he is not bottom or that a gay man is more manly if he is only top well, sorry but totally a nonsense.

First, being gay has nothing to do with being top or bottom, second, a straight man who enjoy a prostate stimulation from a man, a woman or a dildo will remain as straight as always.

The recto is the area of the human body with more nerves, reason why is so sensitive then, will make sense to you when I say that any person male or female will enjoy sexual stimulation by the manipulation and massage of the recto and prostate due to be one of the areas more sensitives of the human body and it has nothing to do with sexual preferences.

Not all massage parlours offering this kind of massage, in London, a prostate massage offered by some professional erotic massage agencies with their erotic massage, tantric massage or Asian massage sessions. Finding the right place to get an erotic prostate massage for yourself and just relax and enjoy it!

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