Frequently Asked Questions in LMB
Q. I am a Therapist and have signed up, how long will it be before my profile is on the site?
A. It takes on average 24 hours but can take up to 48 hours and every profile submitted is checked before it goes live.
Q. I am NOT a qualified massage therapist can I still advertise on the site?
A. Yes but you have to make it clear that you are not qualified.
Q. I have contacted a therapist but they haven’t responded… what’s going on?
A. London Massage Book does not take responsibility for any individuals actions.
Q. Is there any reasons that you wont allow a profile to go on the site?
A. All entries are subject to consideration and any profile can be amended or cancelled at anytime.
Q. I am trying to upload my video but the page keeps coming up with an error after about 5 minutes.
A. This happens if your file size is too large and the upload takes too long. The page will timeout after 12 minutes if the file hasn’t uploaded in that time. Keep your file size down by compressing the video using a movie editing program. You can also upload directly to YouTube and let us know the link and we’ll stream it from there.
Q. Why does my video look like it’s streaming from YouTube?
A. Because it is. Once you have uploaded your Video to use, we then upload it to YouTube so it can be embedded in your profile page easily.
Q. How do I pay?
A. You can set up a direct debit with us or you can make ‘pay as you go payments’ again by paying into our account.
Q. How much do the Feature boxes cost?
A. The Feature boxes cost 5 pounds a day 30 pounds a week 100 pounds a month or 270 pounds for three months. The features rotate so its fair for everybody so one day you may be at the top then the next day the middle then bottom etc etc and from our statistics the features more or less get equal views as of course most potential clients will scroll down to see all Therapists.
Q. I want to change my profile details but I can’t amend them once set in my profile… how do I change my details and photos?
A. To avoid people writing and uploading unsuitable material we manually approve listings. This ensures a site that is safe for all to use. We assume that the information you enter initially is correct – if you need to make amendments, please contact us via the Contact page and we can take care of it for you.