Does anal sex save when meet escort in London?

Shock! We are all different! We look different, we have different tastes and we have different likes and dislikes.

It is a fact of life. Yet, despite embracing the fact we are all different, some of us are still guilty of behaving like we expect everyone else to have the same tastes as us.

There is one area where there often seems to be friction between gents and Escorts over the services a guy desires and those the lady offers. This is anal or “A levels”.

Some guys get quite vexed when a lady will not offer it, but some ladies simply do not offer it, some say it is offered “at discretion”, whilst others will willingly do it.

Indeed, some may find the thought of anal sex or anal play to be repugnant or even immoral, whilst others will see it as an integral part of their intimacy, either on a regular basis, or as an occasional act.

Whereas for some men and women, sexual sensation can be enhanced by anal sex as there are many nerves in the anus linked with erotic enjoyment. But it is not for everyone!

Not on offer

For some ladies, anal sex is either not enjoyable or not physically comfortable. Therefore, as with any other free-thinking person, a lady is quite within her rights not to offer this as a service, preference or an act she enjoys. It is that simple. It has nothing to do with money, as the lady is being paid for her time only and this does not give a gent carte blanche to the point of inflicting pain on a lady.

If anal is a big deal and your chosen companion does not offer it, go elsewhere, as there is absolutely no point in asking a lady to reconsider.

does anal sex save in London escort?

“At discretion”

I have read many a field report where a guy is disappointed when a lady will not offer it, if her profile says “at discretion”.

There can be a number of reasons why a lady may refuse. It could be down to a gentleman’s size or girth, she might be sore from a previous client or just not feeling in the mood. There may also be biological reasons, but I am sure you do not want, or need, me to spell it out…..!

Consider it both ways

Gents: before you feel inclined to pressure a lady into anal, stop and think for a moment. How would you feel having something up your arse if you did not enjoy it?

I am sure for some gents anal is a big deal and a deciding factor as to whether to see someone or not. As there are many ladies who do offer this service, my advice is simple: find someone who does offer it, but then check when booking she definitely does do it or if it is optional or after a certain number of bookings only, as I have seen this advertised too.

Equally, some ladies will only do it if a gent is below a certain size or girth. If it is going to be painful or dangerous for a lady to do it, how is it acceptable to expect her to do it, even just for you? It is not, on any level, as far as I am concerned!

The flip side

Just as some men enjoy having anal sex, some will enjoy being a passive recipient.

For those who are curious but yet to experience it, it can still be a heterosexual act and can involve the use of men’s sex toys, such as Butt plugs or other sex toys. Equally, it can be a little more full on by the use of a Strap-on by the lady.

I would just like to add, just as I have already said not every lady enjoys anal sex or anal play, nor does every man.

It is not my favourite activity by a long way and despite asking not to do it, I have had ladies persist with their desire to give me a probing. I am sorry ladies, this is just as much an etiquette no-no as it is for a guy who fails to respect a lady’s likes.

Health issues?

Is anal sex safe? It has long been a highly controversial subject. Anal sex does carry health risks.


Net Doctor states “Most sexual activities carry a risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) ranging from gonorrhoea and herpes to hepatitis B and HIV.

There’s evidence that anal intercourse carries a higher transmission risk than almost any other sexual activity.”

Is it safe?

“Anal sex, if practised with care, is possible for most couples. It does, however, carry health risks and there are safer sexual practices that couples can enjoy.”

“The main health risks, which affect both heterosexual and homosexual couples, are described below.

“Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV): there is no doubt that anal intercourse carries a greater risk of transmission of HIV – the virus that can cause acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) – than other sexual activities, particularly for the receptive partner.

“Human papilloma virus and warts: this virus can be transmitted during anal intercourse and that may lead to anal warts.

“HPV and anal cancer: unfortunately, certain strains of HPV virus do have carcinogenic (cancer-provoking) potential. There are some types of HPV that cause cancer of the cervix in women and probably also cancer of the throat.

“Hepatitis A (infectious hepatitis): this is a viral infection that can cause jaundice and abdominal pain. Hepatitis A is not usually a life-threatening illness, although sufferers can feel quite ill. It can be transmitted by oral-anal contact.

“Hepatitis C: is a cause of progressive and sometimes fatal chronic liver disease. Hepatitis C may be transmitted by anal intercourse, although this seems to be a rare occurrence.

“Escherichia coli (E. coli): may sometimes cause mild to severe, or even (very rarely) fatal, gastroenteritis. It is one of many viruses and bacteria that can be transmitted by oral-anal contact. Some E. coli strains (uropathic E. coli) can also cause urinary tract infections (UTIs), ranging from cystitis to pyelonephritis – a serious kidney infection. E. coli very readily crosses the short distance between the female anus and the female urinary opening, so causing a urinary infection. Anal intercourse can facilitate this transfer, particularly if it is immediately followed by vaginal intercourse.”


“Avoiding anal sex altogether is of course the best way of avoiding these risks.

“The use of condoms and water-based lubricants, such as K-Y Jelly, will offer some protection.

“Specially toughened condoms designed for anal intercourse may offer more protection.”


“This means putting the whole hand into the rectum.

With adequate relaxation it’s physically possible, and it may be acceptable and enjoyable for some couples. But the diameter of the hand is so much greater than that of the penis that there’s an increased risk of anal injury.”


“Rimming involves oral contact with the anus for sexual stimulation. This involves a high risk of transmission of infection.


Anal sex is an area where I believe a lot of conflict can arise, as there are both polarised views on its morality and safety, as well as on its enjoyment by different parties.

There are health implications and men need to observe strict hygiene if they are to perform any anal acts, such as always changing condoms between penetration of the anus and the vagina and stringently washing hands after any anal play, particularly ensuring to clean under the finger nails.

Yet the different forms of anal sex can also be very erotic for both parties and the mere fact it is considered to be a taboo adds a certain mystique to it too.

However, I do appreciate everyone has differing tastes and not everyone will wish to try it or to do it on any given day. As always, good communication between parties, a mutual respect for each other’s wishes and due consideration for each other goes a long way.

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