The loneliness of the long distance Punter

Lonely Punter UK

When I embarked on this venture I had no idea of the highs and lows it would yield!

What I did hope for was new experiences and to explore my sexual desires to the full with some beautiful, cosmopolitan women.

One constant that has held true, is I do not personally know any other Punters, although I now correspond with a few via Twitter. Whilst not knowing anyone else is not something I am on the whole bothered about, as I prefer to do things my way, there are times when it would be useful to have a sounding board, or someone to pick one up when things go awry.

There are plenty of escort directories, such as Captain 69 (, Punternet (, Top Escort Book ( and Adultwork Forum (, where one can discuss issues, if one is so disposed. I do read them from time to time, but I’m generally a very private person and I don’t like airing my feelings in public.

So what’s this blog site all about then, I hear you ask? It is my personal journal and a cathartic way of expressing my views on this industry, which I hope, in turn, might help someone like me or someone new, to avoid the pitfalls and to find solace in this.

There are times when it would be great to have a “running mate”, a buddy with whom one can swap “war stories”, exchange recommendations and to generally support each other through the ups and downs.

I’m sure there are plenty who are happy to do this on their own, as indeed I am for the vast majority of the time, whilst there are also, no doubt, others who do this with their mates.

It is difficult to find a close confidant, as by its very nature, most Punters want to be discreet and to protect their privacy from their day-to-day lives.

Personally, I have a few ladies I confide in and with whom I discuss any issues. However, I don’t like to abuse their kindness, or to dump on them too often. Moreover, I feel it is disrespectful to talk in too much detail about another lady, who is, in all essence, a competitor. Some ladies don’t see it this way, but I would hate to offend anyone I’m close to and whom I care about.

After a run of difficulties last summer, I spent a very lonely time trying to decide whether to even continue with this escapade at all. I had a late summer holiday when I was at rock bottom with the whole situation and the issues I had encountered. I was on the verge of quitting (goodbye emails written to my closest friends and good riddance ones to my main protagonists, but not yet sent), when I received a lovely email of support from a really dear lady. But for her intervention and stating how much she valued me as more than a client, as a friend, I would have been gone. This lady knows who she is, how much I appreciate her and her kindness and she has my eternal thanks!

Now I am very careful as to whom I will see, sticking more or less exclusively to only those ladies and agencies I know well. I enjoy a close connection with several ladies and we email, text and chat on the phone between meetings, some more frequently than others. A couple of my friends know each other through me too, which is a nice bonus, as we all need good connections. I have also had a threesome by bringing a couple of my individual friends together, which has been a great experience for all concerned!

In short, it really depends on you and what sort of Punting experience you want, as well as your personality and if you even need someone to share with. I only flag this issue up, as, at times, it has been a difficult one for me, but one I have to been able to deal with by making close friends with some lovely, kind ladies!

Happy Punting!

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