Learn to Belly Dance and Reap the Benefits it has to Offer!

benefit of belly dance
secret of belly dance by erotic masseuse

Want to know the secret why erotic masseuses can keep fit and stay youth ? Read the article ‘Learn to Belly Dance and Reap the Benefits it has to Offer!’ by Yoki from Orchid Massage

Belly dancing is an art form and a type of exercise that can benefit anyone, regardless of their age or fitness level.

Whether you are in top notch physical shape or could use a little incentive in that area, belly dancing can be a fun activity and it can also help you get into shape. A one hour belly dancing class can burn as many as 350 to 500 calories. Belly dancing involves moving many muscle groups and that is why it is excellent in terms of burning fat.

All of those arches, snake arms and hip lifts can improve your posture and lend themselves to overall toning of the body. The reason for this is simple- belly dancing encourages flexibility and a tremendous range of movement. It also uses many muscles that would otherwise not be used!

A Video about Belly Dance

Other Benefits of Belly Dancing

If you want to learn to belly dance then don’t be shy- sign up for a class and see what it has to offer you! Belly dancing is a way to get in touch with the sensual side of your nature. While this ancient form of dance can be done by both men and women (yes men are welcome too!), it began as a tribal dance for women to celebrate all that is special about being female.

Belly dancing is a fantastic stress reducer! When you are under a lot of stress your muscles tend to tense up leading to more stress and a decreased flow of blood. Belly dancing stretches muscles and helps to relax the really tight ones. It is a relaxing and rejuvenating way to give stress the boot!

Belly dancing is a low impact type of physical activity that can be beneficial for the bones and the joints.  Doctors have been known to suggest this type of dance for their patients who suffer from arthritis and back problems.  However, is important that you have your problems assessed by a doctor before you decide to start belly dancing.

If you want to firm up your arms and your legs and the exercises you have been doing just aren’t making it happen, then learn to belly dance! If you have ever watched belly dancers perform, you will notice that they move around a lot. Their arms spend a great deal of time in the air which strengthens them and the leg muscles become firmer as well.

Women who are pregnant can benefit from belly dancing. It provides a type of prenatal exercise that strengthens the muscles that will be needed when it is time to give birth. If your abdominal muscles are toned then having a baby will be easier. In the same way, belly dancing also works equally well as a postnatal exercise. After you have had a baby it can help to tone up the abdominal muscles and encourage a faster rate of healing.

To learn to belly dance is a creative and fun way to express yourself. It leaves your mind, body and spirit with that “on top of the world” feeling! Your firmer and more toned body can also lead to a more positive self-image and a greater level of self confidence. With all of these things going for it, isn’t it time you tried something different? You won’t be sorry you did!

Author: Yoki , founder of Orchid Massage London 

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