The Top paid Escorts in the World

Female escorts in the world can be found in all shapes, sizes, colors, and price tags. We usually only hear about the ones that are the high class escorts that not only make their living off of being an escort, but make an incredible amount. Some female escorts of London, UK make as much as if not more than some of the best traders of Wall Street.

Because of the ability today for any millionaire or billionaire to shop around online for escort services as well as the ability of any woman to offer any of her services online, female escorts are seeing an increase in demand which means some can charge even more than they were before. Found online are picture galleries, lists of offered services, as well as contact instructions which makes these connections even easier to make.

Most people are familiar with the way escort services work because of the deeds of various politicians, sports stars, and celebrities being brought into the light, as well as the tell-all memoirs that show up from time to time written by these highly-sought after female escorts of London.


This information can be dangerous, however, as evidenced by a former escort learned the hard way when she found herself being thrown from her apartment window after announcing that she was writing her memoir. As more of these exploits become public knowledge, the public begins to more openly accept that escorts are a part of life.

Whether for personal reasons or sheer curiosity, we all wonder what it costs to hire one of these women to enjoy their company for an evening of “fun” and whatever that includes. Although some of these charges have been difficult to track down, we have done our best to create an accurate list of the top paid female escorts of world, starting from the bottom and working our way up.


Zahia Dehar – $1,200 per night

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By just a few glances at her numerous pictures, you will soon find that she is a near-perfect replica of a Barbie doll. We wouldn’t be surprised if some of her measurements were similar to the popular doll, based on some of the impressive pictures that can be found in her portfolio. Because she charges per month rather than per night, we suspect that she is more like a sugar baby than an escort. However, at $32,000 per month which breaks down to $1,200 per night, she’s still one of the top paid escorts of London, UK.


Loredana Jolie – $2,000 per night


A quick survey of her pictures starting at her older ones and moving toward her more recent pictures will reveal that her lips have grown, probably from the amount of money she has coming in, although not everyone would agree that these enhancements were necessary or beneficial. Loredana is one of the many companions of Tiger Woods, and although she once claimed that she had only made about $15,000 at that point during her escorting career, additional sources have led us to set her at the $2,000 per night price tag.


 Just Kassandra – $3,000 per night

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This female escort in London, UK is one of the most exclusive, who requires a personal meeting before approving them as a client. Her personal website indicates that she loves traveling the world with fun, adventurous, and (of course) wealthy men. She appears to be a super classy woman that any man would love to have on his arm, and may have even come from a wealthy background.


Ashley Dupre (aka Kristen) – $4,300 per night


A certain Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York City in the United States got himself into trouble with a woman referred to has Kristen. He came to know her through the Emperor’s Club VIP, which helped him arrange a number of meetings with this lovely lady. It has been indicated that he paid over $80,000 for the escort services of Kristen as well as other women. When their affair came to light, he lost his career, but she ended up becoming more famous in her own career as she was then featured in Playboy as well as other men’s magazines.


Ms. Maya Blue – $4,500 per night


Ms. Maya Blue may very well be one of the most well-traveled of the female escorts of London, UK, as she makes her living by traveling to various countries to meet with suitors. She has her own website that has an abundance of information on her prices and offered services, and photos of her. She also keeps her schedule updated so men can always know where she is if they want to make an advanced booking when she’s planning on being in their area.


 Ava Xi’an – $6,500 per night

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Her original career was that of a realtor, but when her father needed an expensive heart surgery and had no health insurance to cover it, Ava decided to turn to escort services to cover the cost of the surgery. She did her research and made sure that she went directly to the higher class clientele so that she could maximize her income in a shorter period of time, and obviously did well for herself as she became one of London’s top paid female escorts. As of this publication, she charges $45,000 per week, which ends up being about $6,500 every night. It’s safe to say that’s a lot more than she every could have made selling real estate.


Natalie McLennan – $16,000 per night

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This woman, who used to go by the name Natalia, was once featured on the cover of New York Magazine for being the highest paid escort in the city, bringing in a surprising $2,000 per hour. In order to compare her prices to the other women on the list who charge by night, we decided that 8 hours would be the equivalent of a night, making her nightly charge about $16,000. Unfortunately for her, she was caught laundering money for a prostitution ring, which put her somewhat out of the game. She did write a book after that, but it was never as financially prosperous as her other exploits with the city’s rich and famous.


Lauren – $24,000 per night

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This young woman is not one of the top paid female escorts of London, UK that you will find plastered in magazines or in rumor mills on the internet, but you will find a lot of men talking about her throughout men’s escort forums. Her popularity there as well as her high price are clear indicators that what the men say about her is true: that she’s just as fun to be with at dinner as she is in the bedroom, which is what puts her at the top of our list.


Cannes Film Festival Favorites – $40,000 per night

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If you know anything about escorts, then you know all about the Cannes Film Festival that is held around May every year. This huge festival attracts female escorts from all over Europe, and many of London’s best escorts can be found there. No matter where you go during this 2 week period, you can find female escorts looking for company. Despite the number of escorts available, the competition for the best is still intense, which means many of the favorites will not only get to take home a whopping $40,000 every night, but may also get to be a part of some of the A-list parties that happen throughout the city. It’s estimated that even the lowest-paid escorts during the film festival take home about $4,000 a night, which is more than most escorts usually make in a night.

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