Lingam Massage helps men health

While there are various sensual massages service in London that offer enormous physical gains and health benefits, the lingam massage aka tantra lingam massage is the route through spirituality, discovering and differentiating the soul and the self.

Lingam massage is known as a spiritual tradition and has its origin rooted in India and invented some 4000 years ago as a way of live celebrating union of the body, and the emphasis is given to the union of body with the heart, mind and the soul. The massage is in fact a form of yoga and is also prescribed for those who suffer from issues of impotence and urinary incontinence. It should be noted that the lingam massage is not a recommendation for size gains and things thereof.


Lingam massage should be regarded as an alternative therapy for treating impotence issues arising from premature ejaculation.

Not every spa and massage parlor is qualified to offer the lingam massage, and it is only qualified massage therapists and centers offer this rare form of exercise where in pressure is applied on a man’s genitals and the deep tissues will be manipulated once the pressure reaches the points extremely cautiously in a structured form. The massage is initially approached as a reflexology technique. It is known that reflexology has many benefits including improving the blood circulation, reducing the stress (remember stressed mind can result in breakdown of immune system resulting in several medical conditions), stimulating the nerve functioning and eventually revitalizing mind and the body.

The person who opts to receive the lingam massage therapy will also have to comply with certain rules as prescribed the therapist. Chemical-loaded oils are a strict no in the massage and the benefits are far from felt if cheap organic chemical lotions are used. A qualified lingam massage therapist would only use recommended special oils derived from herbs and start gently applying pressure. These oils will leave no side effects on the skin unlike the synthetic lotions do. While the direct benefit of the massage is treating PE problems it also de-stresses the mind and the body to a greater extent just like some other body massages.

The client will be made to lie on back with pillows or cushion under the head. A pillow is placed under his hips to rise his hips and then the legs are spread with knees bent. Before starting the actual therapy the receiver is taught some deep breathing techniques so his mind is calm and tension free. The therapist will then apply the herbal oils and give the massage gently first through the legs. The receiver will be asked to continue relaxed breathing as long as the massage is given. It is after the prescribed amount of time of massaging that the person experiences union of body and soul.

Enjoy a lingam massage in London will be very pleasure experience for you.

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